While I rely on speedy scrambled eggs cooked softly to get breakfast on the table quickly, poached eggs on wheat toast with butter on top are my favorite. I love how my mom makes them, but I can't duplicate it. My mom was just here for the long weekend, I should have asked her for a lesson.
I tried to make poached eggs this morning and they were decent, but not like moms. When I make poached eggs, the whites are foamy or rubbery. The yolks aren't dependably soft either.
Somewhere I heard the tip of putting a bit of white vinegar in the poaching water. Though I know my mom doesn't put vinegar in the water when she poaches eggs in a small frying pan, I tried the tip this morning. The white vinegar did stop the whites from running all over the pan. Though the smell of boiling vinegar isn't appealing first thing in the morning, I was glad I couldn't taste the vinegar in the eggs.
After we ate our eggs, R* said he'd use a poaching pan. Does anyone else use a poaching pan? Any other poached eggs tips? I think I used much too big of a pan this time, right?